horse wisdom - by jo harmer

I came into this world....
With courage speed and grace.
My mother's beauty undeniable...
As she cleaned my newborn face.
Our four hours together perfect..
But how could we have known.
My mumma had to leave me...
The Angels called her home.
I watched the human crying...
As she kissed her one last time.
I heard her make a promise..
"I will love her like shes mine"
The human sat with me that day...
Willing me to drink.
Rode in the float...
Whilst holding me...
My foster mum I would meet.
I never knew two broken hearts...
Could come together as one.
But the human told me life is better....
"With a real horse as your mum."
One day she walked towards me...
The biggest smile upon her face...
She told me that we were coming home....
And we both galloped through those gates.
Now eighteen months have passed...
Since the human and I did meet...
I tell her daily...
I will never forget....
The promise she did keep
Jo Harmer

I See You
I see you at the stable...
Your head down sad and low.
I see you try to hide your tears...
But you had nowhere else to go.
I see you watch the other girls....
Their hair so perfectly neat....
I see you try to wipe your face...
Your sadness yours to keep.
I ask you to come lead me...
To the pasture we shall go.
Where the grass is green....
The dirt is red...
And life lessons they can flow.
I see you take a deep breath...
Your lungs fill with calm and peace....
I ask you to gently close your eyes...
And tell me what you see.
You tell me of a girl...
Who thinks she's not enough...
No trophy's on her cupboard....
No ribbons to show her mum.
I ask her to run her fingers...
Through my flowing mane....
To hear the birds...
Feel the breeze...
Let them wash away her pain.
I tell her how the present...
Is where she's meant to be.
Where her heart is full...
Her soul is warm....
You are standing next to me.
For your value in this world...
Is not measured by success.
The car you drive...
The clothes you wear...
I really couldn't care less.
What makes me love a person ....
Can be found beating in your chest.
For your empathy and kindness...
Makes you stand out from the rest.
So, when your thoughts get heavy...
Close your eyes and think of me.
Step back into this moment...
Right here beneath the tree...
The birds...
The breeze...
Our heartbeats..
My breath upon your face...
Because living in the present...
Is more important than the race
Jo Harmer
I see you at the stable...
Your head down sad and low.
I see you try to hide your tears...
But you had nowhere else to go.
I see you watch the other girls....
Their hair so perfectly neat....
I see you try to wipe your face...
Your sadness yours to keep.
I ask you to come lead me...
To the pasture we shall go.
Where the grass is green....
The dirt is red...
And life lessons they can flow.
I see you take a deep breath...
Your lungs fill with calm and peace....
I ask you to gently close your eyes...
And tell me what you see.
You tell me of a girl...
Who thinks she's not enough...
No trophy's on her cupboard....
No ribbons to show her mum.
I ask her to run her fingers...
Through my flowing mane....
To hear the birds...
Feel the breeze...
Let them wash away her pain.
I tell her how the present...
Is where she's meant to be.
Where her heart is full...
Her soul is warm....
You are standing next to me.
For your value in this world...
Is not measured by success.
The car you drive...
The clothes you wear...
I really couldn't care less.
What makes me love a person ....
Can be found beating in your chest.
For your empathy and kindness...
Makes you stand out from the rest.
So, when your thoughts get heavy...
Close your eyes and think of me.
Step back into this moment...
Right here beneath the tree...
The birds...
The breeze...
Our heartbeats..
My breath upon your face...
Because living in the present...
Is more important than the race
Jo Harmer

I see you with the horses...
I'm right there by your side.
I see you when you're driving...
I so loved going for a ride.
I warn you when there's danger....
A snake in the long grass...
I make you change direction...
To take a different path.
I see you when you smile....
When someone says my name.
I see you hide the tears...
"Lifes just not the same"
I visit you at nighttime...
You see me in your dreams...
We run...
We play....
We love..
There was no in between.
I see the hole I've left....
The crack within your heart...
So I'm sending you another...
You will know it from the start.
His face will seem familiar....
His eyes will touch your soul...
Your love for him instant..
A best friend with whom to grow old.
He will be your constant companion...
Down every path you roam...
He will run like me...
Bark like me....
For I am finally back home
Jo Harmer

Remember our first meeting?
It wasn't too far back.
You weren't looking for a rescue...
And I'd just come off the track.
Remember how our eyes met....
Not wanting to connect....
Me from the unknown....
You showing me respect.
Remember that first touch....
As our hair stood on end.
How you whispered in my ear...
"I am here for you my friend"
You told me of your dreams...
Your vision clear and strong...
You invited me to make change...
"Won't you please come along?"
You showed me a new life....
It was one I never knew...
And even though I was physically broken...
Your love healed me through and through.
I told all the other horses....
About that fateful day.
How to never stop believing...
That change is on the way.
Where a horse that can no longer be ridden...
Will be held in high regard...
Where our homes will be forever....
And only love will fill our hearts
Jo Harmer
It wasn't too far back.
You weren't looking for a rescue...
And I'd just come off the track.
Remember how our eyes met....
Not wanting to connect....
Me from the unknown....
You showing me respect.
Remember that first touch....
As our hair stood on end.
How you whispered in my ear...
"I am here for you my friend"
You told me of your dreams...
Your vision clear and strong...
You invited me to make change...
"Won't you please come along?"
You showed me a new life....
It was one I never knew...
And even though I was physically broken...
Your love healed me through and through.
I told all the other horses....
About that fateful day.
How to never stop believing...
That change is on the way.
Where a horse that can no longer be ridden...
Will be held in high regard...
Where our homes will be forever....
And only love will fill our hearts
Jo Harmer

- They say I make no difference....
- For how are they to know.
- They sit inside their office....
- Just going with the flow.
- They have never felt my presence,
- Touched my coat or breathed my air.
- How can they make judgement...
- When they have nothing to compare.
- They have never seen me gently...
- Pull someone from the edge.
- They've never seen my silence...
- Calm the voices in their head.
- They've never felt their own heart rate..
- Be regulated by mine.
- I'm not asking much from you...
- Just a little of your time.
- Come spend it in my presence...
- Close your eyes, feel at peace.
- Be completely in the moment...
- For it will put your mind at ease.
- I am not a magic healer....
- I leave that to the best.
- I am just a humble horse...
- You're the one taking life's test
- Jo Harmer

The Faded Halter
As I walk inside the stable...
Something stops me in my tracks.
A faded rusty halter...
Lays dusty at the back.
A lump forms in my throat...
The tears start falling from my eyes.
I pick up that faded halter....
And get taken back in time.
I remember our first meeting...
When everything was new.
Whilst picking out a halter...
I decided yours was blue.
That halter was our lifeline....
Our souls joined tightly through the thread.
You knew everything I needed...
Every thought stuck in my head.
As the months turned into years...
Our hearts they beat as one.
With days spent under gumtrees...
Seeking shelter from the sun.
A new halter never bought...
And in time it began to fade..
And like the hair stuck in the webbing...
I too began to grey.
The years went by so quickly....
We both knew time was near.
The last time you wore that halter...
The angels did appear.
As I press the faded halter...
Tightly to my chest.
I take a moment to give thanks...
For blessing me with the best
Jo Harmer
As I walk inside the stable...
Something stops me in my tracks.
A faded rusty halter...
Lays dusty at the back.
A lump forms in my throat...
The tears start falling from my eyes.
I pick up that faded halter....
And get taken back in time.
I remember our first meeting...
When everything was new.
Whilst picking out a halter...
I decided yours was blue.
That halter was our lifeline....
Our souls joined tightly through the thread.
You knew everything I needed...
Every thought stuck in my head.
As the months turned into years...
Our hearts they beat as one.
With days spent under gumtrees...
Seeking shelter from the sun.
A new halter never bought...
And in time it began to fade..
And like the hair stuck in the webbing...
I too began to grey.
The years went by so quickly....
We both knew time was near.
The last time you wore that halter...
The angels did appear.
As I press the faded halter...
Tightly to my chest.
I take a moment to give thanks...
For blessing me with the best
Jo Harmer